Press Desk

At the outset, Wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year on behalf of myself, my family and Pastors & Elders of Calvary Baptist Church. God’s Grace has enabled us to finish 2013 Victoriously and Enter into 2014.

I would like to put before you a thought. On New Year day we long for promise cards.We prefer to take promise cards personally and even for our family members. We prefer and look for cards which promises Blessings. Even the word of God states that “We are called to be a Blessing” (1 Peter 3:9). In fact, this promise was given in the context when God, selected Israelite s through Abraham. Nevertheless, Israelite s due to their deliberate disobedience had experienced sufferings & hardship. As a matter of fact mostly “Blessings are Conditional”. Often as believers, we ignore the conditions and thrive only for Blessings.

For example, lets consider the following verses:

  1. “All things will be granted unto you” (Mt 6:23), The condition is, “Seek first His kingdom and righteousness”
  2. “Ask what you need, it will be given” (Jn 10:7), The condition is, “we must abide in His word & His word in us”.
  3. “Whatever he does it prospers” (Ps 1:3), The condition is,
    “One must meditate the word of God day and night”.
  4. “The Lord will Bless you” (Ps 128:5), The condition is,
    “Live in fear of the Lord and walk according to His precepts”.

So every Blessing comes with a condition

On this New Year 2014, I prayerfully put before you a plea to make one promise to God personally and try to fulfill it. King David before he occupied the throne, he made some personal promises to God. For example.

  1. I will walk blameless (101:1)
  2. I will walk in the Integrity of my heart (101:2)
  3. I will do no evil (101:3)
  4. I will hate Wickedness (101:4)

We can see his personality as he made these promises to God. David still remains to be a Landmark in the History of Israel. When Jesus entered into human history he was willing to be called as son of David.
With this, I exhort myself and you all to make at least one promise to God and strive to keep that promise throughout this year. May God guide and govern your thoughts as you make a prayerful promise to the Almighty.


With Love,

In His service
(Rev. P.V. Prasad)

The Presidents Address – New Year 2015

I thank God for protecting all of us in our journey throughout the year 2014. I pray that God will continue to bestow His Grace on our families, Church members and church in this New Year 2015.

I wish to put forth two important thoughts to the Church as we enter the New Year.

Firstly, let us be on God’ side. During the days of civil war in America, one of the advisors to the President said “Mr. President, we will win the civil war because God is on our side”. In response, the President Mr. Abraham Lincoln said “The issue is not whether God is on our side or not. The question is are we on God’ side or not?, because God is always Good and righteous judge. In this New year 2015 God is going to be on our side so our strategies, thoughts, decisions will prosper and flourish. As Lincoln has rightly said no matter how wise and certain our thoughts might be, there is still a possibility of being not in line with God’ will. Therefore, it is highly important to consider the question are we on God side or not?. Let us put every effort to be on God’ side in this year 2015. As a result we shall enjoy our daily walk and experience blessings unconditionally.

Secondly, let us live a holy life. 1st Peter 1:16 records “Be holy, because I am holy”. Let us take this command of God as an inspiration and let us resolve to pursue holiness. God’s Holiness is a state of wholeness, certainty, and absolute perfection (Is. 6:3). It is a sinless state. In relation to us, holiness means not to live like others. A life of being separated for God’ purposes. It is not a state of perfection because we cannot be perfect at any point of time. As we are called, elected by God let us not follow the fancies of the world. We cannot please and face God without holiness and also will not be permitted to enter into heaven. We can live a holy life and according to Word of God. When we have the Born again experience, continue in right relationship with God.

In the year 2015 every member of the church personally and corporately must take the Gospel to all. For this we have created a slogan “transforming the lives of people with the love of Christ and leading them to Christ is our aim”. Let us remember this aim every Sunday and move forward in the extension of God’ Kingdom.

I extend 2015 New Year wishes to all the members of Calvary Baptist Church on behalf of my family and the Pastors, the Deacon board and the Trust Board. I anticipate and pray for a good future for all of us.


God Bless You,

In the Lord’s Service
(Rev. P. V. PRASAD)