
The motto of our church is “WE PREACH THE CHRIST CRUCIFIED” The church administration is faithful to the church motto and devoted much time, efforts and resources to promote evangelical works all along.

We have therefore constituted a separate committee, called Evangelical committee, comprising 7 members on par with the church Deacons Board. A separate Bank account is opened. Every month the church transfers a considerable amount to the committee account, which is operated independently by them. This committee plans and executes the out reach programmes. Two missionaries a theologically qualified (BD) Pastor have been appointed to associate with the committee in their activities.

Daily :

The Daily Door To Door Evangelism team (DDDE) headed by a theologically qualified (BD) pastor, goes out everyday into the streets, mainly slums tapping door to door preaching the gospel, praying for the sick, and giving evangelical literature. God is blessing this ministry. Thereby people started coming to Daily Devotional Service in the church and attending prayer cells conducted by our church at various places in the city.

Monthly :

Every month a three day outreach camp is organized in far off places in nearby districts. A team of 25 to 30 people go with tracts, gospels, New Teastments and Bibles. Morning times the team go from village to village preaching the gospel. Evening times revival meetings are conducted in local church. On all the three days JESUS film is screened in different villages. Thereby the local church is strengthened both in spirit and in number

Yearly :

Once in an year MEGA gospel out camp will be conducted, for FOUR days, with huge budget allocation. District headquarters or some other important mandal, will be chosen as centre and all the villages in nereby 5 to 6 Mandals will be covered with our activities. Not less than 12 vehicles with 12 to 15 members capacity will leave the Headquarters with not less than 150 members, both men and women from the church. During the camp multifarious activities will be conducted. Every day after morning devotion vehicles leave at 9.00AM. Till 5.00PM teams do village door to door evangelism. Simultaneously between 9.00AM and 4.30PM Free Medical Camp will be conducted. Dental, Eye and General diseases camps are conducted. Doctors and Nurses go from Headquarters every day. One day retreat for Youth, another day a retreat for Women and other day a seminar for leaders and pastors will be conducted. Every day evening at 6.30PM Revival Meetings are conducted people in thousands attend. Well known national and International fame speakers will be invited to speak for the benefit of the Christian community living there..