The Calvary Baptist Church, Allipuram, Visakhapatnam from its inception has been doing the work of not only preaching the Gospel but has been extending service to the poor & needy. The church is supporting many branch churches and their pastors. We are also supporting widows and other family members of pastors who have served our church and also those who have approached us for help. As per the vision of the founding fathers of the church, charitable works such as free medical camps, old age Pensions, blood donations camps, educational help to deserving children are extensively being carried out. We are also supporting many organizations and missionaries in their zeal to further the dictates of the gospel. At this juncture the church has felt the need to expand the activities further both in the religious and social arenas. There is also the need to bring the assets of the church under a common umbrella to safeguard, protect and use them for His Glory besides pay the requisite dues to the government from time to time and ensure that they are not subject for misuse. Therefore the management of the church has taken a decision towards formation of a Trust to carry out the above functions and for registering it under the name of Calvary Baptist Church Charitable Trust. The trust has been registered under the Indian Trust Act on 31st December 2012 with the following Trustees. The duties entrusted and the Trust Board composition is as follows
The objectives of the Trust are to expand our charitable activities not only in the city of Visakhapatnam but also in the adjoining districts and further in the state and in the country.
We desire your kind support and advice to further the mission of the gospel to not only preach Christ crucified but also in making yourself available to the call of the Lord in serving the poor and down trodden with your ideas, inputs and resources. Let us carry forward the mission which the Lord has placed on our shoulders and be faithful to His cause.