Calvary Seva Ratna Awards
Brief information about Calvary Seva Ratna Awards
By Gods Grace the Church has grown from 30 members to 4 thousand members currently. Though everyone has contributed their mite for the development of the church, some people are adjudged the best. The church after thorough examination adjudged some as the best and conferred upon them the decoration “Calvary Seva Ratna” (The Pearl of Service of Calvary). In the last seventy four years “Calvary Seva Ratna” was awarded to five persons who have put relentless efforts for the growth of church. Their life has left …. Influence on their family members, church members and on the Christian community in the region and across the land.
Calvary Seva Ratna Awardees
Dr. Danda Krupa Rao was born to Pastor D. Vinayakam and Krupamma in a humble family; he successfully completed his high school education at Yellamanchili. later he was graduated in Bachelor of Arts in Andhra University. He joined the Indian Railways as Ticket Collector and retired as Chief Ticket Inspector.
Dr. D. Krupa Rao entered in the leadership of Andhra Baptist Church,in Now called Calvary Baptist Church at the age of 18 years. He was attracted by the pioneer missionary Rev. E.L. Quirk, Dr. D. Krupa Rao is a humble, hard working and a great achiever. As the flower gives its fragrance even when it is in the shape of a bud, so also this young and energetic leader was rightly chosen by the Missionaries to further expansion of the Kingdom of God. His hard labor, sincere efforts have gradually made him to occupy the central Church leadership, Field Council. Northern Association, Convention of the Baptist Churches of the Northern Circars, Andhra Pradesh Christian Council, National Christian Council of India, Asian Baptist Federation and Baptist World Alliance and was also Auxiliary member of Bible Society of India. He has conducted many large scale revival meetings in and around Visakhapatnam.
Dr. D. Krupa Rao had taken the main role in of the Church construction by bringing wood from Orissa and Iron scrap rods from Hindustan Shipyard Limited. He is responsible not only for the construction of the church building but also responsible for the spiritual development of the church. Our church Administrative works such as duties and responsibilities of the Deacon Board and its auxiliaries was formulated by him. If one goes through the minutes books of the church Deacon Board one would appreciate his foresight and wisdom. Several steps have been taken for the growth of the Church both spiritual and material. By his able leadership he had imparted training and formulated the entire system of functioning of Gospel work, Sunday school, Christian Endeavour Women’s wing and outreach ministry. He was simple, faithful and kept himself away from popularity and.There were many occasions when he had starved, suffered with thirst and fell sick during the strenuous outreach ministries. However, God has abundantly blessed him. He represented our Church and CBCNC in USA, Argentina, Australia, Korea, Malaysia and Singapore etc.
The Calvary Baptist church is greatly indebted to him for his valuable services to the Church. The church had expressed its gratitude to him by honoring him by conferring the title of “CALVARY SEVA RATNA”. (Calvary Pearl of Service) on 12-12-93, He had fought the good fight, he had kept the faith and he was called to GLORY on 14-10-1995.
Rev Terapalli Abraham Isaac S/o. Terapalli Abraham was one of the seven founder members of Calvary Baptist Church. He was the first Treasurer of Andhra Baptist Church (Calvary Baptist Church), Allipuram, Visakhapatnam – 4 in the year 1948. Since then he occupied several portfolios and responsibilities in the Church and other organizations viz. Baptist Field Council, Northern Association, Convention of Baptist Churches of the Northern Circars, Baptist Union of India and World Baptist Alliance. He was Manager and Correspondent of CBM Upper Primary School, Allipuram for twenty years during which time the school was developed and progressed. He was elected as a President of Convention of Baptist Churches of the Northern Circars in 1970. He also rendered his services to Bible Society of India, Leprosy Mission, YMCA, Sunday School Union, District Christian Council, he worked as a Pastor in Calvary Baptist Church, Scott Memorial Baptist Church, Tuni, Baptist Church, Parawada he altogether served as Pastor for twenty three long years.
He had served as clerk in BNR Railway, he served sincerely for thirty six years of service in various departments in Railways. He took voluntary retirement on 19th July 1980 and dedicated his life for full time ministry.
He was married to Danda Victoria D/o. Rev. Danda Vinayakam of Tuni on 18-05-1944 at Scott memorial Baptist Church, Tuni. He was blessed with three sons and three daughters.
The Calvary Baptist Church is greatly indebted to Rev. Dr. T. Abraham Isaac for his valuable services in establishing and improving this Church and conferred upon him “CALVARY SEVA RATNA” (Calvary Pearl of Service) on 16th November 2003.
Rev. Gompana Peter To God’s glory a male child was born to Gompana Kannayya and his wife Pydamma on 1st January 1919 as their seventh child. Peter is the name given to the child. Gompana Kannayya family was the first fruits of the missionaries toiling in Yelamanchili area. The young Peter left home at the age of 12, for some time, he lived in Mayanmar (then Burma). He worked for Indian Railways, Indian Army during Second World War. he was endowed with the talents of singing, music composing, dance and drama.
Young Peter was baptized by Rev. T. B. Joseph, Father of Rev. Victor Joseph, of Araku Valley while living in Rangoon. He returned to India by walk through Naga Hills and reached home in the year 1942. Married to “Terapalli Dayamani”, a teacher on 28th August 1948.
After their marriage, Peter came to live in Visakhapatnam City and became member of Andhra Baptist Church, Rudravari Street, in the old town. Peter joined Hindustan Ship Building Yard. As per calling from above Peter resigned and along with his wife went to Ramayapatnam Seminary for theological Training and completed his training during 1950-53.
Before his encounter with the Lord, God used Peter to initiate and became instrumental to be one of the founder members of Andhra Baptist Church, Allipuram, (Now called as Calvary Baptist Church). He was the first Secretary of the Church. Subsequently, he dedicated his life for full time ministry and served the Calvary Baptist church as a Pastor. Later he served in various Baptist Churches in and around the city. He was instrumental in building new Church buildings where ever he served. On 28th February, 1959 he was ordained as Reverend.
The Church Deacon Board counts it a great privilege to take notice of the initiation and subsequent selfless meritorious service rendered by Rev. Gompana Peter to honor him by conferring “CALVARY SEVA RATNA” to him.
Dr. Pasala Sadhu Sundar Singh was born to Late Pasala Samuel and Estheramma in a humble family on March 17, 1947 at Visakhapatnam. His father is one of the founder members who assumed various responsibilities in the Church. His mother was a Bible Women and served among women. He successfully completed his Secondary education at Visakhapatnam and served the Indian NAVY as Sailor in the Regulating Branch from 1964 to 1974. He worked in the Naval Store Department from 1975 to 1982. He served as a Senior Supervisor in Naval Science and Technological Laboratory up to 2006. Altogether he served our Nation through the Indian Navy for 42 years during which period he also visited Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Cambodia and. He took up the mantle of leadership of the Calvary Baptist Church in the year 1978 i.e. at the age of 31 years.
His hard labour, sincere and systematic efforts gradually led him to occupy, Christian Leadership in many organizations. He served as Deacon Board Member, Secretary and President of Calvary Baptist Church, Visakhapatnam, Youth General Secretary of CBCNC; City Sunday School Union Secretary of Visakhapatnam; Secretary & President of Visakha Baptist Field Council; A.P. Auxiliary Member & Vice President of A.P. Bible Society of India; Secretary of Local Branch of the Bible Society of India; Secretary and President of Northern Association; Board of Director of Santhi Parisodhana Patasala; Council Member of the B.T. Seminary, Kakinada and Director on the Board of Andhra Christian Theological College, Hyderabad.
He has written many books such as the Life History of Dr. William Carey, Sweet memories of his late father, teaching book on Baptism, Reformation and “Sangha Punadhullo Rangu Rallu”. (Colorful stories in Church Foundations) He was the Chief Editor for many Souvenirs.
Dr P. S. Sundar Singh was instrumental in construction of Satellite Churches and orphanages on behalf of Calvary Baptist Church. He is responsible for up-liftment of the youth, women and Sunday school.
Some of his personal traits include the following: He is a leader and always eager to make others as leaders, he takes leading decisions to get the work done, in spite of health problems he continued to work hard. God graciously lifted him from death bed and extended life to serve Him. Though he appears as a hard task master he is an embodiment of love. He delights in facing challenges and overcoming them.
The Church Deacon Board along with Pastors and congregation counts it great privilege that in recognition of selfless, meritorious services rendered by Dr. Pasala Sadhu Sundar Singh “CALVARY SEVA RATNA” is conferred on him on 13-12-2008.
Rev. Pasala Vara Prasad was born as 2nd offspring of Late Pasala Samuel & Gompana Estheramma. As it is rightly said “God knew his beloved even at their embryonic stage in mother womb’. Rev. Prasad was brought up as a dear son of his parents. His mother being a bible woman put the seeds of faith in his tender heart which caused Prasad to accept Jesus Christ as his personal savior even at an early age. God bestowed upon him, the leadership qualities from childhood. He values and upholds the core values of Christianity i.e. honesty, righteousness, justice, and holiness. In spite of ups and downs in the spiritual journey, he remained faithful. Though his initial qualification was Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) out of his passion for studies he acquired M.A (Pub Admn), B.L, P.G.D. (IRPM) and B.D. Though unfinished he also did the Bachelor of General Law (B.G.L) M.Com, M.Div. He started his employment career in the year 1970 in Naval Civil service. In 1982 he resigned and joined Visakhapatnam Steel Plant and retired from service on September 2010. During his 40 years of service, he held several important portfolios and discharged duties satisfactorily and kept the mantle of his faith high throughout his career. His blessed family are V.A. Sumathi-Wife, Aaron Amar-Son, Anitha Suhasini-daughter and Archana-daughter.
His mother Estheramma being a bible women and his father Samuel a disciplinarian mentored Rev. Prasad to be a good Christian since childhood. Eventually, he became an effective, trustworthy, sincere and spiritual leader in the hands of the Lord. At every stage of his life, he was actively and effectively involved in various Christian activities at the local level, state level, and national level. The Holy Spirit has granted him the gifts of Spirit i.e. teaching, preaching and giving. He serves the church as a Sunday school teacher, Sunday School Superintendent, Youth superintendent, Convenor Evangelical Committee, Convenor Seminar Committee, President, Secretary of the Deacon’s board. He is presently holding the post of chairman of the Calvary Baptist Church Charitable Trust.Under his leadership, the church has grown leaps and bounds in all spheres of church activities. In spite of his credentials he is humble, submissive, moved and proved as a sincere humble servant of God. He has been instrumental in the growth and spiritual edification of Calvary Baptist Church. Of course, the strong foundation of the church was laid by the strong and efficient legendary leaders Rev. Gompana Peter, Dr. Danda Krupa Rao, Dr. Pasala Sadhu Sundar Singh. The Humble servant Rev Prasad was privileged to contribute and continue the legacy left behind by his predecessors.
The Church Trust Board, Executive Council, other officers of the church and the congregation counts it a privilege to take notice of the selfless, meritorious, services rendered by Rev. Pasala Vara Prasad along with his beloved wife Vasa Annamani Sumathi. The Calvary Baptist church decided to confer on him the most prestigious title of the church “CALVARY SEVA RATNA” on this glorious occasion of the jubilee year on completion of 70 years of God’s guidance and blessings. May God Bless the Family of Rev. P.V. Prasad. So that they may serve the Lord faithfully in the days to come. Members Calvary Baptist Church Allipuram, Visakhapatnam.
Dr. Gompana Mathew Peter is the second son of the Late Rev. Gompana Peter and Mrs. Dayamani who was one of the founder members of the Calvary Baptist Church. His mother was a Bible Woman. He was educated up to Secondary Grade and joined the Defence and Research Development Organization under the Indian Navy in the year 1977 where he served up to 2016 (40 years) and retired on superannuation as a Technical Officer in Gazetted cater from the Naval and Science Technological Laboratory (NSTL) though short in stretchered and physique, the zeal to do the Lord’s service abundantly and exceedingly well gave Mathew the strength to attempt and achieve great things for His Glory. He made his entry into Church leadership in 1980 and has not looked back. He is assisted in his endeavor by his dear wife Sukanya Rani and two sons Nimshi Shalem Swaroop and Shimmy Shalem Swaroop (Sona)